Union of Haitian Peasants (UHP)
Organisation Agricole de Développement pour la Production des Paysans Haïtiens
Organisation Agricole de Développement pour la Promotion des Paysans Haïtiens
Development Organization for Agricultural Production of Haitian Farmers
Development Organization for Agricultural Promotion of Haitian Farmers
A peasant organization of development aid founded in Haiti since 1990
Today, alongside the socio-political crises that are disrupting the world, there are three (3) major problems: Hunger, Climate Change and the Depletion of Natural Resources. Haiti remains a country hitherto agricultural. Despite the accelerated urbanization in recent years and the strong emigration to the Dominican Republic, and in recent times to Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and other Caribbean countries, about 55% of the population lives in the areas Rural areas and farming. They are unfortunately very little or no framed. Today, a large proportion of small-scale agricultural producers abandon farming and increase the mass of the unemployed in the urban areas of Haiti, while others continue to produce by agreeing to earn a low income. To respond to unfair competition from products coming from certain economic powers who cheerfully subsidize their agriculture in order to maintain their producer’s dignity in their sectors of activity. Unfortunately, the option chosen by the various State officials who succeeded one another in power during the last decades is to supply the population with imported products such as rice instead of investing in domestic production, Spirit and letter of the 1987 Constitution in force. Yet there are favorable conditions in the country for the development of a sustainable and prosperous agriculture capable of meeting the food needs of the population. This agriculture must be at the same time peasant, ecological, agroforestry, intensive, diversified and innovative. On the other hand, the forest cover of Haiti is currently reduced to less than 2%, whereas it was more than 20% during 1978. This situation is the basis of accelerated erosion of the soil becoming less and less productive, of long periods of drought and above all of the virtual disappearance of the fragile ecosystems jeopardizing many species already endangered in Haiti. It is in this objective that the Agricultural Development Organization for the Production of Haitian Peasants (OADEPROPAH-Haiti) and the Union of Haitian Peasants (UHP) originated in rural and urban areas to address the different problems Socio-politico-economic conditions faced by peasant populations.
The Development Organization for Agricultural Production of Haitian Farmers is a Farmers Organization with the status of a peasant organization recognized by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor and the Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation. The OADEPROPAH-Haiti is a peasant organization that aims to unite all the small farmers and farmers of Haiti and to bring together the young rural workers and the rural women organized in peasant groups with a view to their cultural and economic promotion to the valuation of agricultural products in Haiti.
At each level of the structures, there are elected leaders who are in charge of the coordination of the OADEPROPAH-Haiti organization. Here are the governing bodies.The Organization OADEPROPAH-Haiti is a Peasant Organization with the Status of a peasant farmers organization and registered with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor at the number ST-1027 of 10 February 1994 and the Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation MPCE-UCAONG) to the number: B-0210 and to publish in the Official Journal le Moniteur at Number 13 Monday 12 February 1996 by the Haitian Government. From 1991 to the present day for the year 2017 the organization OADEPROPAH- Haiti currently has 125.000.00 members through ten departments specifically in the rural areas of Haiti Others (to be specified) The OADEPROPAH-Haiti organization has peasant farmers and breeders who do want to group small producers of the rural and urban areas of Haiti.
To organize, advocate for favorable policies and transform small Haitian farmers into prosperous rural communities and develop agricultural and rural loan.
Empowered small Haitian farmer’s sustainable development in the rural areas of Haiti.
OADEPROPAH-Haiti is non-political and non-partisan organization. The Union has a strict policy requirement every members to resign his/her union leadership post upon his /her involvement in national politics. Further, OADEPROPAH-Haiti is made up of members and led by regular leaders.
To promote and safeguard the interest of members. To support the conduct and the development of the agriculture industry in the rural and urban areas of Haiti. To collect and distribute to members and others, information concerning agriculture and the marketing of agriculture produce or otherwise considered to be of interest to members. To print and publish magazines, periodicals, books, leaflets and other similar material thought desirable for the promotion of the other objectives of the union or of interest to the members or intended to inform the public of matters concerning agriculture. To make representations to the government or to any competent authority with regard to matters directly or indirectly affecting agriculture (in its broadest sense). To subscribe to the funds of any association or body having objectives or interest similar or complementary to those of the union for purposes, which in the opinion of the union governing body ,would or might be beneficial to the agriculture industry . Generally and without any restriction which otherwise be implies from the foregoing objects, to promote and safeguard the interest of members and the development and progress of agriculture of agriculture industry in the rural and urban areas of Haiti.
To contribute to improved Haitian farmers livelihoods and general agricultural development, agricultural cooperative and rural credit in Haiti The Development Organization for Agricultural Production of Haitian Farmers (OADEPROPAH-Haiti) is the largest small farmer’s interest organization in Haiti and it represents over 1.500.550 million farming households in the rural and urban areas of Haiti. The Union of Haitian Peasants (UHP) draws its membership from the following sub sectors, communal section, resettlement, small –scale commercial, peri-urban holders, urban agricultural, agricultural cooperative and rural loan, and large-scale small commercial farmers. Individuals voluntary join the Union of Haitian Peasants and the OADEPROPAH-Haiti in December 1996 following the merger of the Union of Haitian Peasants and the OADEPROPAH-Haiti.
OADEPROPAH-Haiti core functions include; lobbying and advocacy; members services provision and support; information dissemination and communication with members. Through these core functions ,OADEPROPAH-Haiti and Union of Haitian Peasants (UHP) promotes and safeguards the members’ interests ;and the development of the agricultural industry .In support of the above core functions, OADEPROPAH-Haiti also performs the following functions:
Supports development of agriculture by organizing members into association to create an effective voice on concerns in the agriculture industry and climate change in Haiti. Makes representations on behalf of members to government or to any competent authority with regard to matters affecting agriculture whether directly or indirectly. Collects and distributes to members, in print and electronic form, information on agriculture and agricultural marketing. It’s also prints and distributes information of material interest to members and other stakeholders in form of periodical, magazine, position and research papers. Facilitates and creates institutional linkages by subscribing to any association or body having objects or interests similar to or complimentary to those of the union and peasants groupments
OADEPROPAH-Haiti has three major distinct structures in which constitutionalism and democratic principles are aptly upheld. It is though these structures, particularly the council and the Board of Directors that policy formulation functions exercised.
Chaired by the president of union council is the supreme body of the union responsible for policy formulation and policy guidance for the organization in the rural areas of Haiti. It is made up of representatives of farmers’ Associations, Commodity Associations, commodity Committees, Corporate members, Agribusiness, agricultural cooperative and Board members. The two trustees of union also attend the council meetings. The council meets three times a year. Two of the meeting are the ordinary council meeting held during the first and fourth quarter of each year .The third meeting is the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of council commodity known as the Annual General Congress. The Annual congress mainly consider audited financial statements of the union performance of the union and elects members of the Board of Directors of Union of Haitian Peasants (UHP) & OADEPROPAH-Haiti.
The board is charged with the responsibility of running the business of the organization on behalf the council. It is made up of the president who chairs the board, two (2)Directors representing Farmers’ Associations, two (2)Directors representing commodity /specialized Association, agricultural cooperative and committees ,one (1) representative of corporate members one (1)representative of the Agribusiness chamber ,and one (1) co-opted member. Two vice presidents, who are elected and appointed by the board from among the board members. The two trustees of the union also attend the board meetings. The Executive Director is also a member of board as an Ex –official.
The OADEPROPAH-Haiti Secretariat is comprised of the staff, headed by the Executive Director. The OADEPROPAH-Haiti Secretariat has three distinct members service unit, which are the Outreach and Membership; Research, Economics and Consultancy Unit; Accounts Finance and Administration.