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Development Organisation for Agricultural Promotion of Haitian Farmers

Union of Haitian Peasants (UHP)


Agricultural Development Organization for the Promotion of Haitian Peasants

Famine and Hunger in Haiti

The Development Organization for the Agricultural Production of Haitian Farmers (OADEPROPAH-Haiti) represents the small Haitian farmers, small-scale fishermen, small-scale breeders and small beekeepers living in remote rural areas of Haiti. We believe that to fight against poverty is to come together to say no against poverty and hunger , it is with this objective that the Union Cooperative of Agricultural Credit and Rural of Haiti (UNICAGRIH) originated in the region of North-east, Fort-Liberté. This cooperative is beginning to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of small Haitian farmers who are facing severe famine and are also food insecure. The cooperative is the lever of development of the OADEPROPAH-Haiti Organization. The small Haitian farmers making face with many difficulties of all kinds and a major famine threatens all the rural and urban areas of Haiti, the small Haitian farmers only abandon their land to migrate to the Dominican Republic, Chile, Brazil, Nassau Bahamas or they will risk their lives on small boats at sea to arrive either in Miami, Florida, United States of America, or other parts of the Caribbean and Latin America. Development Organisation for the Agricultural Production of Haitian Farmers (OADEPROPAH-Haiti) is a national peasant’s organization based in the rural and urban areas of Haiti, with countrywide coverage, representing the small Haitian farmers in Haiti. Specifically OADEPROPAH-Haiti represent small and large scale Haitian farmers in Haiti. OADEPROPAH-Haiti is a Member of the World Farmers Organisation (WFO), Italy, Roma and the Union Cooperative Agricultural Credit and Rural of Haiti (UNICAGRIH), member of International Cooperative Alliance (ICA), Belgium.


Health and Agriculture, Haitian Farmers in Need

Propagation of the Cholera epidemic of the United Nations Nepal Contingent (UN-MINUSTAH) in rural and urban areas of Haiti, forced displacement of small Haitian farmers to migrate to Chile, Brazil, Ecuador or other Latin American and Caribbean regions. Epidemic, most deadly childhood diseases, emerging pathologies: Faced with these new and growing humanitarian challenges, OADEPROPAH -Haiti is providing quality medical care to vulnerable farmer’s populations. Since the spread of the cholera epidemic, thousands of children and Rural Youth are dying of preventable diseases. This is what motivates us to care for and save as many small farmers as possible from the rural areas of Haiti.

Children and Youth in Emergency in Haiti

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Emergency in Haiti

Since the end of March 2017, the Agricultural Development Organization for the Production of Haitian Farmers (OADEPROPAH-Haiti) warns of the food disaster affecting more than 8.7 million people in the rural and urban areas of Haiti. In Haiti 75% of the rural and urban population need food aid. In the Northeast, Artibonite, Northwest, Cayes, Grand-Anse and Nippe departments, the famine has reached an exceptional level of severity

Malnutrition in Haiti: The food crisis is likely to get worse

Malnutrition: Already very worrying, according to a study carried out by the Haitian Society for Nutrition (SOHAN), the Higher School of Nutrition and Food Science (ESNA) of Queensland University (UQ) in collaboration with the Network of Nutrition and Food Security Organization (RENSA) of the Agricultural Development Organization for the Promotion of Haitian Peasants (OADEPROPAH-Haiti), the situation of hundreds of thousands of children could become even worse as the hurricane season approaches and rains .

South of Haiti: 1.5 million people in need

Urgency: After several months on the spot and several evaluations carried out, the teams of the OADEPROPAH-Haiti open a mission in the region of the Great South including: Southeast, Cayes, Jérémie, Nippes. Since April 2017, 165,235 Haitian Farmers have taken the road, leaving behind all their possessions to go to the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Chile and other countries of the Caribbean


The Agricultural Organization of Social Development for the Promotion of Livestock, Fisheries, Beekeeping and Farmers of Haiti (OADESPREPA-Haiti) is a Farmers organization of development aid working with the Haitian farmers layers disadvantaged people living in remote areas of Haiti.
